A year ago I was of the opinion that Sonic the Hedgehog was on its way to becoming irrelevant. All the evidence pointed to that conclusion: lagging game sales, a fandom of ill repute, unpopular changes to the cast, and a cartoon based on these unpopular changes. But now, in 2017, I find myself eating humble pie. The Sonic Boom cartoon has proven itself to be surprisingly smart and funny, with Knuckle's speech on feminism becoming deservedly viral. The game Sonic Mania is receiving rave reviews, most notably from famed Youtuber VideoGameDunkey, who gave the game a perfect score, a rarity for him, Does this mean Sonic is making a comeback?
It's too early to say "yes," and Pokemon Go's fall to irrelevancy has made me more cautious about betting on the future (I had foolishly believed Pokemon Go was going to bring back Pokemania). Sonic's heyday is long gone; the Golden Age is over. But perhaps a Silver Age can begin? I like to think that, if Sonic media can keep up and IMPROVE on the momentum made by the Sonic Boom cartoon and Sonic Mania game, we will be seeing Sonic not just be relevant again, but BIG.
What Sonic needs is the following:
- 2D platforming games in the style of the Sega Genesis, but with HD sprites and all new levels.
- More cartoons like Sonic Boom, which combine humor with action.
- A second cartoon like the old Sonic Sat-Am cartoon, treating the Sonic mythos seriously.
- A movie that's actually GOOD.
Will Sonic become relevant again? It's my hope that he will. The year 2016 was supposed to be the 25th anniversary of Sonic; so far, the "5" anniversaries have been disappointments for Sonic fans, while the "10" anniversaries have given fans great and memorable games. Here's hoping the year 2021 will see Sonic back to SOME level of his old fame. I want Sonic's 30th anniversary to be celebrated, not ignored!