Thursday, October 30, 2014

On Lies and Propaganda

I just came out of reading a Dr Nerdlove blog, titled "What we talk about when we talk about Gamergate", yet another piece from the Anti Gamergate propaganda machine set out to convince anyone willing to lend an ear that Gamergate is not about ethics, it's not about consumer dissatisfaction, and it's not about the feeling of betrayal that millions of gamers feel when they are told by the people that they had given their support  that their identity is irrelevant, that they don't matter as consumers, that they are misogynists, and well, you know the rest. The Anti Gamergate side keeps repeating the same lies over and over again and again: that this is about Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, and an attempt by the "gatekeepers of gaming culture to evict women from their club house", quoted from Dr Nerdlove. His blog entry is propaganda. But what is propaganda?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

On Anita Sarkeesian and the October 24, 2014 Seattle School Shooting

So yesterday there was a school shooting in Seattle. A very sad occurrence, to be sure. When these things happen, the best thing for those who lived very far away is to send our sympathies to the victims of the shooting and their families. In times like these, what we need to do is to demonstrate our humanity and compassion, to make ourselves available to the people whose lives have been destroyed by the actions of a madman.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Anti Gamergate Cartoon- An Analysis

The following is an analysis to an anti Gamergate cartoon that was propagated by a Facebook group that I had given my support until today. The name of the group will not be given because I have no intention of giving them so much as a single word of promotion.

Edit February 11, 2016: This comic was written and drawn by Kris Straub. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

100th Post- Just a few quick words

I'll be honest with you people: When I started this blog, I never expected it to reach 100 posts. And when I was making it a habit to write in my blog, I expected to reach 100 posts by February, but then I went back to college, and well, life happened. But here I am, 100 posts! One hundred entries, ladies and gentlemen, one hundred.

I'd like to say a few quick things. First off, I am deeply saddened by the way gamers are being treated by the people whose careers we made. Are there gamers out there who quite frankly need to see a psychiatrist ASAP and should be dragged away from any computer in the vicinity? Yeah, there are. Are ALL gamers like that? Hell no. Gamers are diverse: some of us are men, others are women, some are Left Wing, others Right Wing. Some of us read Jezebel, others read Return of Kings. Some of us play MMORPG's, some prefer FPS, some of us can't stomach FarmVille, and some of us never picked up Flappy Bird.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Just for Fun- A Few Pokemon Ideas

Man, with GamerGate, #NotYourShield, Quinnspiracy, and all this controversy surrounding gamers, it feels like we're living in a crossroads of destiny, where what we do today will decide the fate of our subculture. So today, here's something just for fun: a small list of animals that NEED to have Pokemon designed off of them.