Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Games I've Dropped

In my life I have played many, many, MANY games. I've beaten some, and some I've yet to beat. Some games, however, I have abandoned either due to extreme boredom or due to high inconvenience. This is a short list of five games I've dropped, and why.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Remembering Monster Rancher

Monster Rancher was a series of games with a simple premise: raising monsters and battling them. However, the series had a gimmick that was nothing short of BRILLIANT; monsters were obtained by reading REAL LIFE CD's you owned on the Playstation. On paper it sound silly, and in fact this day and age it sounds sillier. But back in the late 90's-early 2000's, this idea was BRILLIANT.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Trope Analysis- Doomed Hometown

The Doomed Hometown is a story element, or Trope, wherein the destruction of a city or town that the hero is attached to one way or another serves as the catalyst to begin or otherwise inform the Hero's Journey. The Trope can be done well just as it can be done TERRIBLY, no matter the medium. This includes video games, of course. But what is it about the Trope that makes it so pervasive? Today, we talk about this.