Saturday, March 28, 2015

Just for Fun- Decoding Second Life

So if you've played Second Life before, odds are that you've seen some people's avatar profiles, and if you've seen as many as I have, you'll have noticed a lot of them say the exact same thing. So today, we're going to decode the most common Second Life profiles! What we are going to do is:

1- Explain what the person behind the avatar THINKS they mean.
2- Explain what they REALLY mean.

Keep in mind that nothing said here is universal; there are exceptions to everything, after all. With that said, let's begin with...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A League of Legends Story

This happened to me about three months ago. I was playing League of Legends, and I opted to go Mid Lane Twisted Fate AP-AD Hybrid, because that's how I roll sometimes. No, it was not a ranked game, it was just a Normal game between 10 strangers. Or at least, that was what I thought. I remember like it was yesterday the champs chosen. We had a top lane Garen, a bottom lane Ezreal, a support Zilean, and Morgana jungle. At first I was like "huh?" But then I figured "breaking the meta, sweet." Boy, was I in for a surprise!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

“What We Talk About When We Talk About Gamergate” -A Critique

*note*This piece was written as an assignment for one of my classes in college, but by my own decision I opted not to turn this in and instead focus on another topic. To not let this go to waste, I opted instead to just upload this piece onto my blog. Enjoy.

 In his editorial “What We Talk About When We Talk About Gamergate”, Internet editorialist, self ascribed relationship coach and love expert, and Online Personality Harris O'Malley, better known by his nom de plume Dr Nerdlove, aims to inform the reader on what he calls the true reason behind the online movement known as Gamergate. For those not in the know, Gamergate is a movement that calls for better ethical behavior in video game journalism, opposes collusion in the video game journalism industry, as well as the censorship of video games by outside parties, particularly feminists who are otherwise uninvolved in video games. Harris O'Malley, however, presents an alternative raison d'etre for this movement, which is mirred by the omission of some important details.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Literally Wu

Brianna Wu, known to Gamergate as Literally Wu, is a game developer who made that notorious game, Revolution 60, a game that's been panned by practically every user that's come across it (unless they were game journalists). Before Gamergate, she was a trust fund baby who never earned a thing in her life, never struggled, had everything handed to her on a silver platter (example: given 200 thousand dollars to start an animation company that went nowhere). She's the type of person any hard worker, that anyone who has ever had to work two shifts to pay for college, work the weekends to pay off a car loan, etc, would absolutely loathe. Before Gamergate, she was nobody.