Monday, July 17, 2017

An Announcement

I'm sure you've all noticed that this year so far, updates have been few and far between. This is mostly due to two reasons: I'm working now, and I'm a bit burnt out. Simply put, it isn't easy to come up with new topics to discuss and then spend who knows how much time actually writing it all down, all after a hard day's work. Sometimes I just want to sit my butt down and game, and I personally don't think I should apologize for that.

However, that does not mean that there won't be any new content; far from it. I have already planned something for both August AND December. This August I'll be writing an entry celebrating 4 years of blogging about video games (scheduled August 2) and at around August 28 I'll be writing my FINAL piece on GamerGate, where we'll take a look back at the good AND the bad that came from said movement. I'm planning to be dispassionate and objective in that article.

On December you can look forward to The Strange Men Month, where every Saturday we'll be looking at Uri's four games in  the "something Man" series. Like every December, we'll be looking at four different games and analyzing what specific message they each have to say. The tentative schedule is:

December 2: The Crooked Man (revisited)
December 9: The Sand Man
December 16: The Boogie Man
December 23: The Hanged Man

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