Sunday, September 4, 2022

My Top 11 Skyrim Mods

 You've read the title, you know what this is. As always, it's ascending order. Friendly reminder, of course, that this is ALL OPINION, so don't come after me if your favorite mod didn't make it. Let's get to it!

11. Immersive Weapons, compiled by Nexus user hothtrooper44.

Adding a RIDICULOUSLY wide variety of weapons to Skyrim, Immersive Weapons is THE mod for those looking to add more variety to their arsenal beyond the simple swords, axes, and maces of the vanilla game. Adding such weapons as pole arms, picks, katanas, nodachis, and so on, Immersive Weapons is a fantastic mod for those of us who main Warrior-type playstyles!

10. Elemental Destruction Magic, by Nexus user reaperix.

Tired of the same Destruction spells over and over again? Fire, Ice, Lightning; it gets a little monotonous after your seventh playthrough, doesn't it? Well, THIS mod spices things up by adding THREE NEW ELEMENTS in the game world: Earth, Water, and Wind! It doesn't sound like much, but when you try it out, you can feel the difference!

9. Ordinator, by Nexus user EnaiSiaon.

Honestly, no Skyrim mod list would be complete without including Ordinator. One of the biggest overhauls to the Perk Tree system, this mod allows players to experiment with various Builds that would otherwise be nigh impossible in the Vanilla game. That said, I personally don't ADORE it, and find it too clunky to properly consider it Top 5 material. That said, I'd be remiss not to include it.

8. Moonlight Tales, by Nexus user spwned.

This mod makes Werewolves a blast to play. The Werewolf tree gets upgraded, you can better customize your werewolf form, AND you can even play as a Werebear!

7. Leanwolf's Better Shaped Weapons, by Nexus user LeanWolf.

Why is this mod even on this list? Because before I installed it, I hadn't noticed how cartoony Skyrim's weapons actually looked like. Hell, Imperial Swords don't look like swords, they look like PADDLES! And the Scimitar!? UGH! This mod makes those weapons look GOOD!

6. Wintersun, by EnaiSiaon.

By adding special skills and bonuses depending on which Deity you worship (and extending the number of Deities up to fifty), Wintersun really opens up a world of possibilities for Skyrim players. One of my personal favorite builds is a worshipper of the Magna-Ge, which automatically refills my Enchanted Weapons charge by five per second!

5. Vokrii, by EnaiSiaon.

Ordinator for people who loved the idea, but found the perks in Ordinator to be too specialized. Vokrii follows the same Perk policy of Vanilla Skyrim (allow the player more freedom to build characters how they want) while also giving players NEW choices to make new, powerful builds.

4. Thane Weapons Reborn, by Nexus user icecreamassassin.

This mod is really one of those ideas that you question why Bethesday didn't come up with it: make the Thane weapons UNIQUE. And not only are they unique, they're actually pretty good! The Sword of Whiterun, for example, not only gives you 10% Fire Resistance, it deals an extra 10% damage to dragons! You can make builds out of these!

3. Andromeda-Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim, by EnaiSiaon.

I couldn't find a good picture...

Andromeda is great because it really spices up the Standing Stones, making them all feel uniquely powerful and useful. In the Vanilla game, Standing Stones are next to useless outside your first Guardian Stone (Mage, Warrior, Thief, Lover) and either the Lord (50 Armor and 25% Magic Resist) and Atronach Stone (+50 Magicka, 50% Spell Absorption). Andromenda gives each Standing Stone a particular use. For example, the Steed Stone makes you 40% faster out of combat PLUS you regenerate Stamina 50% faster!

2. INIGO, by Smartbluecat.

Many mods create unique followers, but none are as iconic as Inigo, the unique blue Khajiit. With well over seven THOUSAND recorded voice lines, Inigo is one of the most unique followers in the game's history!

1. Sacrosanct, by EnaiSiaon.

In Vanilla Skyrim, being a Vampire means you're slightly better at Sneaking and your Illusion spells work better. With Dawnguard, you can access the Vampire Lord skill tree, assuming you're not a Werewolf. With Sacrosanct, being a Vampire...

I used this mod a lot a few years ago, and I've YET to make a character that was as powerful as the Vampire I made with this mod. By level 20 I had access to INSANE Destruction spells, and my Illusion spells worked like a charm. (Pun intended) And that was only as a Vampire; Vampire Lords were something else entirely!

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