Saturday, September 10, 2022

My Top Eleven BEST RPG's on the SNES

 You read the title, you know what this is. Remember that this is all OPINION. Let's do this.

11- Breath of Fire

Pretty much EVERYTHING good about 16-bit era JRPG's is found in this game: good characters, good plot, good music, and excellent gameplay. Likewise, everything BAD about RPG's of the era is ALSO found in this game, from characters that become nigh useless to INFURIANTING random battles. That said, I think the highs definitely overcome the lows in this game, which is why it nabs the Number 11 spot.

10- Shadowrun

Ahh, not every game on this list will be an RPG! A damn good cyberpunk game with a very unique combat system, surprisingly intriguing world, and one hell of a plot, Shadowrun is one of those hidden gems of the SNES that flew under the radar of too many gamers back in the day. Play it any way you can!

9- Final Fantasy 4 ( Final Fantasy 4 US Version)

Is it a good JRPG? Yes, no doubt. One of the best? Certainly. But it's not even CLOSE to being the definitive version of Final Fantasy 4! Likewise, I also consider it to be the second least of the SNES Final Fantasies (the least being Mystic Quest, of course). All that said, though, this is still one of the finest RPG's ever to grace the Super Nintendo. It is also the game that really raised the bar for what JRPG's should do; a bar that all the following games surpassed beautifully!

8- Ogre Battle

One of the great unsung tragedies of gaming was the way the Ogre Battle series was never finished. Mixing Real Time Strategy with Role Playing elements, Ogre Battle was one of the most unique games on the SNES. Although the sequel, Tactics Ogre, has been getting some well-deserved re-releases, the original game seems condemned to be left behind. A damned shame, really.

7- Terranigma

THIS is an Action RPG done right! Fantastic graphics, amazing music, superb gameplay, unforgettable characters, outstanding story; this game has EVERYTHING! I mean... can it be called PERFECT!? Eh, not really; the magic system is the game's major flaw, after all. But besides that? AMAZING!!!!

6. Final Fantasy 5

One of my all time favorite Final Fantasies, right here! Sure the plot's rather so-so, and I mean by RPG standards, not by classic FF standards (in which case the plot is sub par at best). The graphics aren't the best, either. But the gameplay is where the game SHINES! I honestly had TONS of fun playing this game, and I'm eager to play it again in the future!

5. Seiken Densetsu 3

Best known as Trials of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3 is pretty much the pinnacle of the Mana series. Awesome characters, graphics, music, sound design, character design, gameplay, story; it's got everything I ever wanted in an RPG, and MORE! It gets the Chef's Kiss!

4. Super Mario RPG

Super Mario-o RPG! It is the only one just for me! When I played the game, I got lost in a haze. Then I found out I'm stuck in Geno's maze! Gimme frog coins (gimme Mario)! Gimme frog coins (gimme Mallow)! Gimme See-Ya (gimme Geno)! Gimme cookies!

Jokes aside, Super Mario RPG is one of those games that really shook up the Mario formula. The game starts the way most Mario games end, even: by rescuing the Princess from Bowser. And then a giant sword falls from the sky, and... Honestly, only Nintendo could make a game like this!

(Yes, I know it was made by Squaresoft, hush up now)

3. Lufia 2

Honestly the BEST non-Squaresoft made RPG on the SNES. The game combined GREAT graphics and music with a damn good story, fantastic cast of characters, and AWESOME gameplay. With puzzles galore and secrets to be found, Lufia 2 is one of those RPG's that EVERY fan of the genre DESERVES to play!

2- Final Fantasy 6 (FF3 in America)

If you're surprised, it's because you expected this game to be Number 1. Why isn't it Number 1? Two words: Nearly flawless. This game deserves ALL the praise it receives, but a flaw must be exposed: the World of Ruin. Basically, once the game reaches the World of Ruin, there's not much story left, and it's all about you finding your characters again, doing side quests, and then EVENTUALLY getting to the final boss. I wasn't wild about that, sorry not sorry.

The BEST- Chrono Trigger

I'm going to be brief here: the game is flawless. I seriously can't think of a single flaw in the game. I can't. Literally impossible for me.

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