Monday, April 30, 2018

A Quick PSA

Yes, gaming is great fun and all, but here's a few tips from me to you so you can enjoy a healthy gaming life.

1. Never game more than 3 hours straight. Take breaks, long breaks if needed, between gaming sessions. This is good for your eyes, your body, and your organs as well.

2. If playing an online game, take a potty break BEFORE playing. Don't want any accidents! There's no pausing an online game!

3. Limit that gaming time! I suggest gaming only 4 hours a day tops, 6 hours on the weekend. Focus on your real life!

4. Drink. Some. Water. Lay off the soda; it's bad for you!

5. Don't game within one hour before bedtime! You want a good night's sleep? Lay off the gaming for one hour before bed!

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