Thursday, October 20, 2016

Three Annoying Things in League of Legends

I love playing League of Legends, that's no secret. But sometimes I get annoyed by something that happens in game. These are the three most annoying moments that can happen in League of Legends.

1. Lag.

You're playing the game, and you're all set to dominate. You have the perfect champ to counter the enemy, your team has that wombo combo that's guaranteed to turn the tide of any team fight in your favor. You're all....wait. What's happening? Your champion isn't moving, the minions aren't dying, and your chat's not working. It's LAG!

This is something not entirely in your control, as sometimes, Internet bandwith just slows down or drops. Sometimes thunder and lightning knock it down, sometimes the power goes out at the worst time. It's not always your fault. THAT is what makes lag so annoying: there's nothing you can do about it.

2. Raging ADC's.

Though all ragers deserve a spot on this list, I personally think the ADC is the worst member of the team to have raging. Why? Because unlike the Jungler, the Mid, and the Top laner, the ADC has someone who's babysitting him/her all the time.  Further, the role of ADC is, in theory, the least risky role in all League, as all you have to do is stand behind minions and farm, farm, farm. If you deviate from THAT, it's YOUR problem.

Sometimes, ADC's rage for valid reasons. For example, that their support keeps taking the creep kills, and when you take a look at the score, the ADC has a CS of 5 and somehow the Support has 35 CS by the 7 minute mark. But often, the raging ADC is being a prick, raging at the Support who provided the heals, peel, and initiate for accidentally taking 1 CS.

3. The tilt

Sometimes, you make a wrong move. And then you make a worse move. And then another one. And then it all just keeps getting worse and worse for you, and somehow, no matter how hard you try, you just can't help but screw up. That's the tilt, and boy does it suck.

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