Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Quick Thoughts on James Rolfe, Ben Kuchera, and More

James Rolfe won't see or review the new Ghostbusters movie. Good for him. He has every right to choose which movies he sees and reviews. The sooner people understand that, the better.

The new Ghostbusters movie looks like shit, and people are only defending it as a front to appear progressive and pro-women. I won't see it anyway, even if I had the money for it. I'm saving MY money for the Suicide Squad movie, with Margot Robbie and Will Smith. THAT movie looks awesome.

Far be it for me to tell someone how to do their job, but if you're reviewing a game, or showing it off, it helps to be GOOD at the game. I mean, Jesus Christ, Polygon, what the hell? You can't upload a video showing off the first half hour of a new game by having someone who SUCKS at the game play it! Part of what makes Let's Plays so enjoyable is watching people with SKILL play! Imagine a basketball game where every other player who tries dribbling the ball drops it and then spends half a minute chasing the ball. THAT is what Polygon's Doom gameplay video was like!

Ben Kuchera has proven himself to be as incompetent as an actor in a product infomercial. What kind of idiot can't differentiate between the Power button and the Eject button in a console? Maybe he can get work as an actor for the next Snuggie infomercial; he can be the guy who can't keep his arms and legs blanketed at the same time. But what makes it worse is that he's a games journalist; this is supposed to be the kind of shit that should be second nature to him! Jesus...

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