Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Five Worst League of Legends Players

The following is a list of the five worst types of League of Legends players. These are not written in any particular order, because no one type is worse than the other. In my opinion, these five are equally bad, equally trash, and they ruin ANY game they are in. So without further ado, here are the five worst types of LoL players.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following list uses mostly male pronouns, but it must be recognized that League has a considerable female player base. I am NOT suggesting girls do not play the game. Nor am I suggesting that toxic players are exclusively male.

1- The Leaver. This is the guy who was in the game for the first ten minutes or so, and then he left. Where did he go? He didn't say a damn word to the team, no "sorry I have to go, RL emergency" or "sorry, something came up." This guy just up and left, no goodbye, nothing. You hear the announcer say "a summoner has disconnected" and you just know your chances of winning just flew out the window, because somehow, some way, the enemy team just gets that second wind they needed to push lanes and win the game.

The leaver distinguishes himself by leaving the game abruptly, with no foreword, and seldom ever rejoins the game, even if it lasted forty minutes more. The reason these guys are among the worst type of LoL players is because they cripple their team with their absence. In League, EVERY player is important because everyone is playing a role, and without that role, the rest of the team will have to work twice as hard just to pick up the slack. It's one thing to lose because the enemy team was more skilled, but it's quite another thing to lose because you had to give it your 150% just because you were one player short.

A very particular type of Leaver is the "Rage Quitter". This guy at least explains why he's leaving: he's pissed off. This is the guy who's angry that his team is losing, or that his team is making mistakes he doesn't like, or simply because he himself is being outplayed by his opponent. Still, this player is still crippling his team with his absence, and that's why I'm lumping him with the Leaver.

2- The Flamer. This is the guy who has spent the entire game, or at least a good portion of the game insulting and  belittling EVERYONE. The Flamer is a sad excuse for a human being, someone who not only gets angry at a video game, but takes out that anger on other people, specifically the people playing with him. The Flamer is someone who uses the in game chat to spew their anger and hatred at others, issuing insults at every given opportunity.

The Flamer is the type of guy who does not tolerate mistakes made by others, but will outright ignore the mistakes he himself makes. As the game goes on, the Flamer will point out EVERY SINGLE reason his team is losing, except the things that are his own fault. To give an example, based on real dialogue but fake summoner names:

Xfioramaster18: OMG Nasus 0/3 so OP gg.
NasusOnlyTop: Dude, you're 0/5 and you have half my CS
NasusOnlyTop: You're Zed mid, against Annie. How do you go 0/5 against an Annie as Zed?
*Nasus gets ganked by the enemy Annie, dies*
Xfioramaster18: OMG SO PRO! Can't win with this Nasus, surrender at 20!

And then at the twenty minute mark, he calls for a surrender. The Flamer, when pushed too far, becomes a Rage Quitter. Unlike the Leaver, however, when the Flamer rage quits, his team breathes a sigh of relief because they don't have to take his shit anymore.

Unlike a Leaver, who hurts his team by leaving, the Flamer hurts his team by demoralizing them. The Flamer, as I said before, spends the entire game spewing nothing but bile and hatred towards his team. This leaves the other players with two choices: either ignore the Flamer, compromising team communication, or let the player continue spewing his idiocy. By ignoring the Flamer and muting him, the team locks away one player from communication; that's one less player able to warn his team of enemy ganks, or call for plays, etc.

3- The Entitled Player- This particular type of player thinks the world revolves around him. In League of Legends, this type of player is the one who acts like there are two sets of rules: one for him, one for everyone else.

Among ADC mains, the Entitled Player feels like he has the right to play whichever champion he chooses, but that his support should play the champion HE picks. Let me clarify by providing an example:

ADMainPRO: I pick Ashe ADC.
Dasupport: I think I'll play Soraka.
ADMainPRO: No, you'll play Leona.

This type of guy loves telling other people what to do and how to play, but won't stand for someone else doing it for him. Example:

ADMainPRO: Leona, engage the enemy.
Dasupport: Ashe, try not to push the enemy too hard. The enemy jungler might be near.
ADMainPRO: STFU, ur trash.

And of course, his needs are superior to those of his teammates:

ADMainPRO: I'll brb, I need to buy boots.
*five minutes later*
Dasupport: I'll brb, I need to buy wards.
ADMainPRO: No, you'll stay here, noob. I need support.
*Enemy jungler ganks, both players are killed*
ADMainPRO: wtf this pro support, no wards.

But of course, it's not just ADC Mains who act entitled. Here's what a jungler has to typically deal with:

ADMainPRO: Hey jungler, gank bot, we're losing.
MidManMate: I need some help in here, I'm getting camped.
TopLaneNasusGG: I need a gank!
ADMainPRO: Gank bot!
MidManMate: Gank mid!
Dasupport: Enemy team at dragon!
*the enemy team has slain the dragon*
Dasupport: GG pro jungler
TopLaneNasusGG: farming jungle instead of ganking.
MidManMate: report!

And if they play Mid:

MidManMate: Hey bot, call your afk's noobs!
*bottom lane gets ganked by enemy mid laner*
ADMainPRO: Hey mid, call your afk's!
MidManMate: Keep your eye on the minimap, noob!

4- The Troll. A legend among bad players, this is the guy who purposely plays bad, makes terrible decisions, and makes plays that lack ALL forms of logic. Everything this player does is coldly calculated to anger his teammates and cause them to lose. Why? For his own amusement.

Some trolls can be friendly. Some can even, and surprisingly, help win the game. But never count on it, as the troll isn't there to win, he's there to have fun. At YOUR expense.

5- The Delusional Smurf. A smurf, for those not in the know, is a player's second account where he purposely plays at lower levels than he is used to. This is not uncommon, and is in fact a great way for any player to unwind and compare the skill gap between himself and others in lower levels of play. But, sometimes, we have Smurfs who delude themselves into thinking they are better that they truly are.

A Delusional Smurf thinks he is going to carry his team to victory and wow them with his superior skills, mechanics, and strategy. Ten minutes later, he is making the same mistakes he should have learned long ago not to commit, where he truly in the skill level he claims to be. An example would be turret diving, which is to dive underneath the enemy's turret, risking heavy damage, to try and score a kill. In higher levels of play, this is only done sparingly, and only if you can either a) take a lot of damage and walk away or b) get in, get the kill, and get out quickly. A Delusional Smurf would overestimate himself, underestimate his enemy, and dive underneath the turret while unable to get the kill quickly enough.

There's two problems with these guys. First off, they promise a level of skill that they never deliver. They promise to carry teams, and end up getting carried by their team. They promise to make the plays that wow, but make the plays that suck. These guys swear up and down that their level of skill far surpasses every last member of your team AND the enemy team, but when it comes time to SHOW that skill, nothing. And there's always the cheap excuses too. "This lag!" "I'm getting camped!" "No help from this team!".

The second problem with Delusional Smurfs is that they never really owe up to their mistakes. They can't fathom that maybe they are not as skilled as they thought they were, or that the enemy team was more skilled. These Smurfs also have the annoying tendency to expect a level of play from their teammates that, realistically speaking, is impossible. In Bronze, for example, most players simply lack the game mechanics to actually pull off the more complex plays, like stealing dragon or Baron with Smite and walking away unscathed, or landing all skillshots perfectly. Bronze players are still learning the ropes of the game, and many of them simply lack the experience that would allow them to make complex plays.

Delusional Smurfs are hypocritical in that way: they expect their teammates to be unskilled enough to be wowed by the Smurf's level of skill, but skilled enough to keep up with the Smurf and his level of play. In that way, there's a second level of the Smurf's delusions: he considers himself to be the ONLY smurf in the game. It's this arrogance, that "I'm the best player here, so RESPECT!"

People can make mistakes. A player that makes mistakes isn't a Delusional Smurf; we all make bad calls, we all slip up, and when it comes down to it, League of Legends is a game where the winner is determined by who takes advantage of their opponent's mistakes more consistently.

When it comes down to it, the difference between Bronze 5 (lowest tier in League) and Challenger (highest tier) is skill level, but skill isn't just about making flashy plays, it's about making precise, calculated decisions. A high tier player knows it's not about the skill required to play the champ, it's about the amount of plays a player can make with the champ. That's why Trick2G, one of the most famous individual LoL players, plays so well with champs who require very low levels of skill. He mostly plays Udyr and Nunu, two champs which require little more than timed button presses and map awareness, but he plays them to game changing effect.

A single player can be the deciding factor between a win and a loss, but ultimately, one player alone cannot win the game. It takes teamwork to win, and sometimes, the enemy team is simply playing better. Delusional Smurfs suck because they only remember this when it's convenient for them, IE, when they are losing. When they're winning, it's all "ME ME ME!" That's no way to win. Hell, that's no way to play.

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