Saturday, July 19, 2014

Games I'm planning

Due to reasons of health, and that tomorrow is my birthday, there will not be a new blog entry today, save for some news...

First off, recall that RPG I mentioned earlier this month? Well, I've recently downloaded RPG Maker 2003, so now I officially have something that can help me make the game! I am currently experimenting on how to make games on this software, and have so far managed to do the following:

1-Make a map
2-Make a dungeon
3-Make a town
4-Make a boss battle
5-Make a cutscene

All that in under 24 hours. However, I have much, much, MUCH to learn, including the following:

1-Make custom sprites
2-Make an introductory movie
3-Make a shop
4-Add in custom music

Among millions of other things. I am a quick learner, but I am also a man who wants to do a good job. So, don't expect the game to come out any time soon...

That said, don't despair just yet. I AM learning, and doing so with much eagerness. This is quite fun for me, and it's something I've wanted to do a while now! I've even got a couple of games I'm interested in making, but so far these are just "pies in the sky" dreams, for now. Here's a quick run down on a few RPG's I'm interested in making:

1- An RPG starring a group of five heroes, heavily based on the Super Sentai and Power Rangers franchises. This one will be making a lot of use of Character Transformation, as can be guessed.

2- A horror game in the style of Uri's games like Mermaid Swamp or The Crooked Man, about a man who goes to the mountains of San Sebastian, Puerto Rico, and find a ghost woman with worms coming out of her mouth. I intend to release it in Spanish and English if it's ever made. The man does his research on the ghost, and finds that his town has a forgotten history. Themes I want to touch are History, Revenge, the Paranormal, traditions, among others.

I apologize for not having a blog entry today, but again, I am feeling under the weather. Hopefully I'll have something by Tuesday.

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