Friday, May 27, 2022

My Top Ten characters for Nickelodeon All Star Brawl

 Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is a Smash Brothers-like game featuring characters from the Nickelodeon TV network. Having grown up with Nickelodeon, I want to list ten characters that I'd LOVE to see in this game. Let's go!

 10- The Flesh from "Action League NOW!"

The 90's Kids reading this have all remembered "Kablam!" was a thing. Nah, but seriously, this super strong and super naked super hero doll could be one great addition to the game, PLUS it'd be GREAT fanservice for the adult players who grew up on Nick.

9- Otto Rocket from "Rocket Power"

"Rocket Power" was one of those Nicktoons that pretty much SCREAMED "90's!" Also it was one of the last Nicktoons to premier before Spongebob Squarepants pretty much took over the network. The star of the show, Otto Rocket, was a bit of a dickhead, but he was the kind of dickhead who NEVER got away with it. That's what made him so entertaining to watch.

8- Allen Strange from "The Journey of Allen Strange"

"The Journey of Allen Strange" was one of my favorite shows as a kid, and I think it deserves to be recognized more. I recognize, though, that the show isn't as popular or nostalgic as OTHER shows from the era, so it might be forgotten. 

7- Mikey from "Nick Arcade"

I'll be honest when I say "Nick Arcade" may well be my all time favorite Nickelodeon game show. It was a game show where contestants played video games; there was hardly anything like it elsewhere!

6- Uniqua from "The Backyardigans"

This one is for my younger audience members, the ones who grew up in the 2000's and had Nick Jr in one of its last great eras. With so damn many memorable song and dance numbers, The Backyardigans has earned a spot as being one of Nickelodeon's BEST cartoons EVER. It deserves to be represented in a game that calls itself "Nickelodeon ALL STAR Brawl!"

5- Jorgen von Strangle from "Fairly Odd Parents"

I think it's a crime that  Fairly Odd Parents, one of the more popular and long running Nicktoons, hasn't had ANY representation in the game so far! Of all characters, though, I think Jorgen is the one best suited for a fighting game.

4- Temple Run Contestant from "Legends of the Hidden Temple"

Honestly I can't think of a more exciting Nickelodeon game show than "Legends of the Hidden Temple." It's no exaggeration to say I NEVER missed an episode of the show, and every Sunday afternoon I'd catch it on TV. The Temple Run Contestant can have alternate costumes based on the teams in the game, AND can switch between boy or girl!

3- Squidward from "Spongebob Squarepants"

You've already got Spongebob, Patrick, AND Sandy Cheeks in the game, so why not Squidward!?

2- Rango from "Rango"

If Garfield can be in the game, and a version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that NEVER aired on Nick can be in the game, then so can this OSCAR WINNING MOVIE character!

1- Azula from "Avatar the Last Airbender"

How can you NOT include this total baddie!? One of the best written villains in Nick history, and she hasn't even scored a cameo yet!? FOR SHAME!

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