Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Reaction to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

I didn't believe it at first. I thought it was a joke, or some sort of technical demo. I even thought it was just a movie! When I saw the trailer, I didn't allow myself to believe it. But then I did my research, and everywhere I went, it just confirmed what I was denying myself was true: The remake was happening.

Since 1997, people have been clamoring for a sequel to Final Fantasy 7. Since the launch of the Playstation 2, people have been clamoring for a remake. I myself, in my younger years, was also one of those who wished for a remake. I was one of those who wanted better graphics and voicework to be added to FF7. Hell, the reason I bought Kingdom Hearts 1 was SPECIFICALLY for the Final Fantasy 7 characters! So, I should be hyped, right?

Well, I feel cautious right now. A lot of notions are on my mind right now, a lot of questions. But I think the most important question is: why? Why now? Why are you doing a remake of an 18 year old game? Is Square-Enix that hungry for  more money?

I don't really know how to feel about this remake. I know I ought to be excited, but there's a lot of doubt. I know for a fact that the sense of wonder and amazement I felt when I was a kid, playing the original game for the first time, won't be there. If they remake the iconic scene of the camera panning across space until it reaches Aeris' face (YES I STILL SPELL IT LIKE THAT, I ALWAYS WILL) I won't be as amazed as I was in 1997. But maybe it isn't about reviving memories, maybe it's about making new ones from a classic story.

I don't think this remake is going to "ruin" the original game anymore than M. Night Shyamalan's abortion version of Avatar: The Last Airbender ruined the original show. Maybe the new version will be superior in terms of gameplay, maybe it won't be. I'm not sure. I won't, however, be one of those "this raped my childhood!" Kotaku types that like to cry and whine whenever what they hold dear from their youth is challenged or changed. I will accept this change, and I will judge this new remake on its own merits, not by the merits of its original PS1 iteration. Who knows? I might get surprised.

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