Sunday, June 26, 2022

Gayming Month- A final word

 As we close Gayming Month in the final days of Pride 2022, it pays to remember why Pride is celebrated.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Gayming Month- Lovestruck's LGBT+ Representation

 It's been three months since Lovestruck closed all operations forever, but while the loss still stings, it pays to look back at just a few examples of how well the app's stories represented LGBT+ people. This is a quick rundown of how well the app did LGBT+ Representation.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Gayming Month- Kanji from Persona 4

Few subjects are as touchy as the subject of defining masculinity. Societies all over the world have somewhat different ideas of what it means to be masculine, and yet they all share the same conclusion: it's shameful for a man to either lack it, or deviate from it. In gaming, few characters embody the dilemma of masculinity as much as Kanji, from Persona 4.

A young man with questions against a society with no answers

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Gayming Month- Cho Aniki

 This month of June we're celebrating Pride with what I like to call Gayming Month, where we will take a good look at the highs and lows of LGBT+ representation in gaming! And we're kicking it with that infamous shooter series, Cho Aniki!

This doesn't even qualify for the Top 10 Weirdest moments from the franchise